Hello, we are currently having a problem with a vigilante block list in the netherlands... I figure this is as good a forum as any....
The boilerplate: Please see <http://selwerd.cx/xbl/>, xbl is a *local* list, it would cost us time to check whether we can whitelist your IP.
Upon contacting this individual we get:
I listed the netblock(s) of your ISP because we get spam and autoreplies from it and sometimes, if at all, mail that is readworthy.
Of course, he can't produce -any- spam, or autoreply's, from our range.. or much of anything, really. Probably hit by a NIMBDA worm, or something. But, he has one of those "Unix Admin from H-ll" attitude's. Unprofessional, and Vigilante. How would one approach -this- ? I would ignore the fool, but his list is mentioned at Relays.OsiruSoft.com.... and some consider them as a valid source of data.... * sigh * Idea's ?