IT depends on the manufacturer. Cisco can updates OIDs even on 1 second time basis (maybe less?). A long time ago I've made an "real time monitor" to troubleshooting problems at the WAN. IT was not a NMS, only visual graphs using PHP and RRDtool in one page showing IfOctests, IfDiscards, IfErrors, IfNUnicast and, in some cases, BECN and FECN for frame relay. 2010/11/22 Sergey Voropaev <serge.devorop@gmail.com>
I'm sure that router updates its counter more often than 5 seconds.
On 22 November 2010 12:46, <sthaug@nethelp.no> wrote:
Does any one know the NMS (network management software) which can do the fallowing:
1. Monitor on Cisco Routers/Switches interface utilization every 5-10 seconds and send e-mail alarm when utilization low or high of predefined thresholds. 2. Collect net-flow statistics (at least src/dst) with granularity of 5-10- seconds.
The main idea is to have detailed monitoring of the external links and to be able to know why (by what traffic type) and when link was highly utilized.
Your requirements are somewhat unrealistic. Even if your NMS can fetch SNMP counters / Netflow info every 5-10 seconds, you have no guarantee that the router *updates* the counters / Netflow info this often.
Talk to your router vendor first.
Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no
-- []'s LĂvio Zanol Puppim