Is there a cheap way of getting 2-4 gige wavelengths? (2 would do) We have some dark fiber from A to B. It would be handy to run 2-4 seperate gige connections over it without spending squids on Metro DWDM kit.
for purely ethernet applications, you may want to look at Extreme Networks. Their switches have 4G and 8G WDM options. http://www.extremenetworks.com --- Terence C. Giufre-Sweetser +---------------------------------+--------------------------+ | TereDonn Telecommunications Ltd | Phone +61-[0]7-32369366 | | 1/128 Bowen St, SPRING HILL | FAX +61-[0]7-32369930 | | PO BOX 1054, SPRING HILL 4004 | Mobile +61-[0]414-663053 | | Queensland Australia | http://www.tdce.com.au | +---------------------------------+--------------------------+