Hello Bogdan, have a look http://freecode.com/projects/lg/ it supports IOS, Junos but doesnt support IOS XR if you are comfortable with this one let me know ill try to assist you to modify the code. i never tried but i do believe with some modification same tool can also work with huawei , nortel any other CLIs as well Good Day Farhan Khan On 27/May/15 06:52, Bogdan wrote:
what software do you use for looking glass. for cisco ios and ios-xr? i use the old cougar/version6.net for ios, but ios-xr is not supported. i came across https://github.com/tmshlvck/ulg/ but did't installed yet. are there any other interesting lg's out there?
That's the one we use, but we run it against IOS. Should also work for IOS XE. I think I've seen some folk use it for Junos as well. Mark.