On Jan 20, 2008, at 9:36 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008, Randy Bush wrote:
and pricing in australia had nothing to do with a monopilist telco with a rapacious plan highly well articulated and sold to the govt by an arch-capitalist with a silver tongue?
And Japan had the arch-capitalist with a silver tongue, Masayoshi Son, to whack the NTT monopilist telco(s) broadband policy into action.
Let's hear it for the arch-capitalists with silver tongues.
But the equivalence you seem to be suggesting in fact demonstrates the exact opposite. Which of the A-Cs leveraged (gov-driven) facilities bottleneck relief, and which one has tried to prevent/resist such relief? Anyone care to compare relative price/service differences between AU and JP -- or if that seems too iffy, to compare the magnitude of within-country change in service price/quality over the last 5-6 years? Let's "hear it" for some of them. Let's "give it" to some of the others. TV