On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Jeroen Massar wrote:
On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 11:05 -0700, Peter Lothberg wrote:
Is there anyone who can talk to it using IPv6 on the Nanog list?
(Time20.Stupi.SE, 2001:0440:1880:1000::0020)
As a certain "Tier 1" still uses a mesh of tunnels and uses Viagenie in Canada as their transit provider latency to the above IP is in the area of 300ms, going transatlantic twice. IPv4 latency is only 66ms though. I do hope that some "Tier 1's" get their act together and start doing native IPv6. I already once suggested upgrading their hardware to them ;)
I also presume you sent them a check and showed them the business case for the upgrade? No large provider is going to upgrade anything without a business reason. Oh, and some parts, critical parts even, of v6 are still 'broken'...