Gee, you can either do an Alta Vista search, or even ask MFS what they use to power AC things from CO-DC supplies. the one that seems most interesting is Exceltech out of Dallas. they have a modular inverter system which makes its ratings at 100% duty cycle (ie, all the time). they can rack and stack up to 20KVA per assembly, if my feeble memory serves me right. last time I looked, MFS used the smaller non-modular Exceltech units to power AC things they supplied on MAE-EAST (ie, at their end). Don't succumb to the stupid idea of buying a UPS without batteries and then connecting to the DC supply. most ups units smaller than a refrigerator have to be significantly derated to be used in "pure interver" service. the manufacturers scream when you ask them about this. of course, 28.8 modems, 10-base-T hubs, and everything else you need IS available DC powered. you just have to be diligent. (grin) but there are times when using an AC thing *is* more expedient. Just plug the cord into a real inverter running off house DC. Good luck. -Mike O'Dell UUNET Technologies