Can someone provide a little guidance on RADb (and other IRRs)? Our organization is not a customer of any IRRs, but our ARIN IP allocation is registered in RADb and Level3's IRR. The majority of these entries are incorrect and list other AS#'s (AS's that have never been authorized to announce this IP space) as the originating AS for our ARIN IP allocation. I have emailed Level3 about the incorrect entries in their IRR with no response. I have also emailed Cogent about their incorrect entry in RADb, also with no response. Should I be concerned about these entries? Do these entries give someone the ability to announce our IP space? How is the information in these databases checked for accuracy and why did RADb and Level3 put these entries in their database when the posting party was not authorized to announce this space? And finally, what can be done to correct or remove these entries (as a non-customer of either RADb or Level3)? Thanks in advance, --Blake