On 11/29/2010 5:59 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
No one will ever be in ratio compliance with an eyeball dominant network. Ever. Period. It's not possible via technology and TOS. Enforcing it as an eyeball network just forces content providers to aquire eyeballs, e.g. compete with you. That's bad business.
The NSPs generally don't do non-transit peering unless traffic loads are high enough to justify it. That said, CDNs are the same. Google doesn't want to peer privately with someone who doesn't do enough traffic to justify the cost of the port, haul, support, etc. The ratio of which way bits are flying are really irrelevant when peering, and as you say, tends to be more ego than anything. The key, and what everyone wants is "Someone paying me talks to someone I don't have to pay." Doesn't matter if it's CDN talking transit to an eyeball network or eyeballs paying for transit to access a privately peered CDN. What you don't want is 2 entities talking to one another through you without you making a dime. Jack