Once upon a time, Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net> said:
And I don't like not having anywhere to plug in my power screwdriver's recharger... I suppose I should see if I can find someplace that has a transformer of an appropriate size, or does anyone already have the part number for something that can provide a few hunderd milliamps of 120V from 208? :-)
Isn't 208V usually provided as a connection across two phases of a 3 phase circuit? In that case, you get 120V by going between one phase and neutral (no transformer required). You need a NEMA 14 (4 wire) connector to get two phases, neutral, and ground (provides 1 208V circuit and/or 2 120V circuits) or a NEMA L21 (5 wire) connector to get all three phases, neutral, and ground (provides 3 208V circuits and/or 3 120V circuits). -- Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.