We would like to host an BOF on this whole renumbering thing. The paperwork is wending its way through the IETF now, but thought you would like to know. Proceedures for Internet and Enterprise Renumbering (PIER) Charter Chair(s) Bill Manning <bmanning@isi.edu> Roger Fajman <raf@cu.nih.gov> Area Director(s) Scott Bradner <sob@harvard.edu> Mike O'Dell <mo@uunet.uu.net> Mailing List Information General Discussion: pier@isi.edu To Un/Subscribe: pier-request@isi.edu Archive ftp://ftp.isi.edu/pier-archive Description of Working Group PIER will fill the niche between the ADDRCONF, CIDRD and DNSIND working groups in identifying processes and procedures, tools and techniques for renumbering in both the IPv4 and IPv6 environments. Emphasis will be placed on identifying the places where hardcoded IP addreses are used and documenting those places. If there are viable alternatives to hardcoded IP addresses, the working group will document those as well. The end results of these investigations will be a series of documents on renumbering issues and recommendations on what actions might be taken to address those issues where there is no currently viable alternative. These recommendations will be to other working groups and/or areas regarding possible improvements to protocols that would aid in renumbering. The PIER working group will not develop such protocols itself. --bill