At 10:18 AM 6/13/2005, Sanfilippo, Ted wrote:
Sorry I meant GEOBYTES --- When I enter my new /16 at this site it translates to Canada and it shouldn't. ARIN reports the address properly on the ARIN lookup. I have sent emails to the Geobytes website two weeks ago, they confirmed to me they have the email, but have done nothing to date to fix the problem. So my customers are getting a little upset because when they go to a website they are directed to the .ca portion.
Well, I just looked up addresses in a few of my blocks, and geobytes either had wrong info or no info. If you're the ISP, then your answer to your customers is "the web site you are going to is using an unreliable method to attempt to determine locality from IP address." Then point them at the web site's contact form and suggest they complain to the web site owner. As you've already noted, ARIN got the info correct. I suspect there are multiple vendors attempting to provide IP address to GPS address services. I doubt any of them will be 100% reliable, but clearly there is an interest in such services.