5 Sep
5 Sep
8:10 p.m.
Would someone please explain why connecting to MAE East would NOT be as good as connecting to a NAP in the case that Peter ford mentions below? Gordon Cook, Editor Publisher: COOK Report on Internet -> NREN 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA NEW E-mail: cook@mcs.com Subscriptions: $500 corporate site license; $175 edu.,non-profit & small corp. $85 Individual On Mon, 5 Sep 1994, Peter S. Ford wrote:
to get connectivity to all govt-$ nets you must connect to all NAPs.
This is not true.
The way the NSF awards to the RNPs is written, for PIPEX, or any other network, to get to an US R&E customer of the regional, it is sufficient for you to connect to only one NSFNET NAP.
cheers, peter