IEEE is seeking feedback from network operators etc on the reach requirements for 40GE & 100GE. If you have direct feedback to give, please contact Chris Cole directly (email address below). This is very important as it will directly impact how much you pay for those soon to be cherished 40 & 100 GE hardware in the future. I believe information on how many patch panel connections you expect the links to go through is also highly valued. Regards Bora ------ Forwarded Message From: Chris Cole <chris.cole@FINISAR.COM> Reply-To: Chris Cole <chris.cole@FINISAR.COM> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:21:31 -0800 To: <STDS-802-3-HSSG@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG> Conversation: [HSSG] Reach Ad Hoc Subject: Re: [HSSG] Reach Ad Hoc During the November HSSG meeting, optics vendors made a presentation proposing changing the 10km reach objective to 3km or 4km. One of my motivations for working on the proposal was informal input from a number of 100GE end users that >90% of their data center and short interconnect needs would be met by a reach objective less then 4km (versus 10km.) With such a reach distribution, a 4km or less optimized reach objective would result in overall cost savings. As part of the HSSG effort to review this proposal, numerous requests, both informal as well as from the HSSG chair and Reach Ad Hoc chair, have been made for contributions to quantify the 10km and under reach distribution. While the optics vendors as suppliers can accurately represent the relative costs of optics alternatives, they can not represent end user requirements. To date, we have seen no end user presentation or data supporting changing the 10km reach objective to 4km or less. Unless such contributions are forthcoming, it is likely that there will be no motivation to make the change. This sentiment can be seen in the 12/7 Reach Ad Hoc conference call minutes. I would encourage any HSSG participant that views their volume 100GE SMF needs as better met by a 4km or shorter reach objective to make a contribution containing reach distribution data in support of this position. Otherwise we will move forward with the existing approved objectives. Chris ________________________________________ From: Andy Moorwood [mailto:amoorwood@EXTREMENETWORKS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 6:03 AM To: STDS-802-3-HSSG@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG Subject: [HSSG] Reach Ad Hoc Colleagues, the meeting notes from our call last week are now posted on the IEEE website Thank you for your contributions Andy ------ End of Forwarded Message