Heads up. -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Forecasted: Ongoing Severe Weather - Winter Storm Jonas East Coast IDCs Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:37:35 -0600 From: donotreply@gcs.att-mail.com AT&T is on high alert as we closely monitor the path of Winter Storm Jonas, which is tracking up the Ashburn,VA, Annapolis, MD, Piscataway, NJ, Secaucus, NJ, 8/11 10th Ave. (NYC), and Watertown, MA, IDC areas. AT&T has activated our emergency preparedness process and we are carefully following our checklist to help keep our customers and employees safe, our facilities protected, and our communications consistent. All facilities and IDCs in the Winter Storm's projected path have completed their pre-planned checklist. We have staffing plans in place to address weather contingencies. Generator fuel tanks and make-up water tanks (HVAC) have been topped off and each center has multiple days of fuel on site. If the building goes to emergency generators, provisions for the delivery of additional fuel have been made. Additionally, our Client management teams are actively responding to customer questions and alert notifications. AT&T’s main concern is for the safety of our customers and our employees. Please do not take chances with the safety of your employees. The IDC will remain open to customers unless weather conditions occur that requires the building to be locked down. We will send out periodic updates as the storm progresses. -- Keith