Lars Erik Gullerud wrote:
Then there's always the option to implement something else. Hm, where can I order a CARP license again...?
... which is why I think I used VRRP as an example - "ignore and replace" as opposed to "embrace and extend". In answer to Mark Borchers' point about the IETF draft mentioning "reasonable and non-discriminatory", I have the reply from Cisco's dude (whose name I forget, but I think he reads NANOG) that offers "me" the license, on non-discrimintory terms, part of which is to never claim against Cisco for any patent I may hold. That's not reasonable to me. But hey. I only used VRRP as an example and by no means as the single only one. I like W3C's way of doing things, and not the IETF's for the moment - but I suppose the subject line should change to reflect a different area of discussion... still about the network operators costs though. Peter