On 02/04/2018 18:35, Simon Lockhart wrote:
On Mon Apr 02, 2018 at 11:17:47AM -0400, John Levine wrote:
So it's routed deliberately but it sure looks like an experiment. There's way too much equipment that treats as magic for it to work reliably. Captive portals tend to use that address for the host you contact to log out. Quite.
This looks like a willy-waving exercise by Cloudflare coming up with the lowest quad-digit IP. They must have known that this would cause routing issues, and now suddenly it's our responsibility to make significant changes to live infrastructures just so they can continue to look clever with the IP address.
Perhaps they are running all this to shake out exactly these type of issues? I think that is exactly why APNIC research is called for. -Hank