On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 12:14 AM Rich Kulawiec <rsk@gsp.org> wrote:
Weather Service faces Internet bandwidth shortage, proposes limiting key data The National Weather Service is proposing to place limits on accessing its life-saving weather data in a bid to fix Internet outages. By Jason Samenow and Andrew Freedman
This seems like a problem that this group could solve rather rapidly with minimal incremental expense. It also seems like one that's very much worth solving.
If I had to venture a guess, it's not a network problem it's a web server problem. It's far too easy to design a web server where each request consumes 10 to 100 times the processing that it absolutely needs to, often with database bottlenecks that further constrain scalability. Put such a system under broad load and of course it collapses. Regards, Bill Herrin -- Hire me! https://bill.herrin.us/resume/