Is here. Several companies are rehearsing their old products and buzzwording them for DDoS mitigation or botnets, but not Trend Micro. Trend Micro released a brand new product, implemented with the novel idea of utilizing DNS to detect bots on an ISP or corporate network. Whether by massive requests for a C&C (bots phoning home) or massive requests for an MX record (spam bots), looking for negative caching (NX being cached (as the C&C is not there yet but requested) and beyond. It works. I don't know if that's what Trend Micro is doing, but it's one step in the right direction to better botnet detection and mitigation. Larry Seltzer wrote a good article on it:,1759,2020286,00.asp This idea has been explored before: The Domain Name Service as an IDS - NANOG archives: and: My poor choice of subject lines with quoting the paper's name ("IDS) rather than saying "better utilizing DNS to detect infeted hosts and kill C&C's" got me a lot of flames on being off topic. It also got me a warning on DNS being off-topic, which was withdrawn on-list. The original paper can be found, here: (these guys were cool enough to reference me, hehe) Other papers were linked to from the above mentioned post. This is pretty cool, and is worth a look. I guess we will find out what this commercialized technology is worth now that it is out of the home-grown/academic tools realm. Gadi.