Guess I should chime in here. As far as the CCR, I know several customers running in excess of 1 gig of traffic though them, one has 16 BGP sessions, several of those are full tables, and the rest are on an peering exchange. There are other units, like the ones we supply, that does more than 20 gig in real word usages. They are very capable devices, but depending on how many features you enable, of course that will affect their overall abilities. This would be real word, and yes, I work with 1000's of ISPs across North America, many between 100-10gig of traffic, cable companies, DSL providers, and WISPs, and many of these ONLY use MikroTik. As another person said, grab two and configure so that you split your load up, we have done that in areas where redundancy is important. Seeing the Dual 10GigE model with 8 GigE ports costs $1,249 or so, hard to beat them in price, and add two or more to get your redundancy. Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer Author of "Learn RouterOS- Second Edition" Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services Office: 314-735-0270 Website: http://www.linktechs.net - Skype: linktechs -- Create Wireless Coverage's with www.towercoverage.com - 900Mhz - LTE - 3G - 3.65 - TV Whitespace -----Original Message----- From: Eduardo Schoedler [mailto:listas@esds.com.br] Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 8:10 AM To: NANOG list Subject: [SPAM]Re: Mikrotik Cloud Core Router and BGP real life experiences? People who tested say they don't forward more than 500Mbps per port. 2013/12/27 matt kelly <mjkelly@gmail.com>
My real world experience with these is that they suck. Plain and simple. Don't waste your time. On Dec 27, 2013 3:49 AM, "Martin Hotze" <m.hotze@hotze.com> wrote:
looking at the specs of Mikrotik Cloud Core Routers it seems to be to good to be true [1] having so much bang for the bucks. So virtually all smaller ISPs would drop their CISCO gear for Mikrotik Routerboards.
We are using a handful of Mikrotik boxes, but on a much lower network level (splitting networks; low end router behind ADSL modem, ...). We're happy with them.
So I am asking for real life experience and not lab values with Mikrotik Cloud Core Routers and BGP. How good can they handle full tables and a bunch of peering sessions? How good does the box react when adding filters (during attacks)? Reloading the table? etc. etc.
I am looking for _real_ _life_ values compared to a CISCO NPE-G2. Please tell me/us from your first hand experience.
greetings, Martin
[1] If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
-- Eduardo Schoedler