I'm in Santa Cruz County. Since I've been here, natural gas has been off for multiple days in a row twice. Once because of an earthquake, the second time because a winter storm put a lot of water in a hillside and the slide severed the (only) high pressure gas feed for the county. In both cases, electricity wasn't stable either. So for the last datacenter I built, I went with diesel. I've also been told, though I don't know how true it is, that diesel generators can go longer between service intervals, though for a datacenter I wouldn't skimp on routine maintenance anyway. Matthew Kaufman matthew@eeph.com <-home mkaufman@dsl.net <-work
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Bill Woodcock ... Why? In what case is it still not preferable to diesel? The _only_ reason I've ever heard an informed person state for going with diesel is that the fire marshal wouldn't allow them to store anything else.