Hello Everyone. Barry Greene and I will be hosting an ISP Security BOF at the upcoming meeting. Please check out http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0210/securebof.html We are soliciting input from peering coordinators who wish to participate in this BOF.....if you are one, please fill out the form below and e-mail it to kaeo@merike.com with Subject: ISP Security BOF I. (It may give Barry's email on the web page....please forward to me since I will be collecting all the data) Thanks! - merike ****************** Name: Title: Company: Check each that applies: ___ We are an ISP (sell access to the Internet) ___ We are a Non-ISP (content company, etc.) ___ We are Content-Heavy ___ We are Access-Heavy ___ We respond to all request by our customers to help them mitigate an attack. ___ We traceback attacks on our customer to the border or the source. ___ We will use route manipulation or packet filtering to mitigate attacks on our customer. ___ We have sinkhole networks and the backscatter trace back tools implemented in our network ___ We will collect evidence and work with law enforcement. ___ We have a global network. ___ We will work with other ISPs to traceback attacks. ___ We have a dedicated ISP Security Team. ___ Our ISP Security/NOC Team is a registered FIRST (www.first.org) member. ___ Our ISP Security/NOC Team has all the RFC 2142 security aliases and a public "security" web page with our contacts and policies. ___ If given the opportunity, I would like to stand up and say a few words about my network, our security tools, and how we would like to work with other ISP Security Teams. ___ If given the opportunity, I would like to present a short (5-10 minutes) on a neat ISP security trick with my peers.