This is what happens when I stay late at the office on a Friday. http://www.commsday.com/node/186 - Google participating in a new Transpacific Cable Project http://www.networkworld.com/news/2006/121806-verizon-business.html - Verizon on a different transpacific project And all the same articles say there is already an overpriced glut of capacity along these routes and a glut of fiber laying ocean vessels. Good times. Rather than having competition, everyone is just building their own routes that they won't share at wholesale prices to folks in the wholesale buying business. :) Ahh... reminds me of the late 90s when everyone was building dark fiber networks for the surge of demand that was coming. Now, the remaining folks are buying up all the unused bits to constrain capacity. If I were a stakeholder in transpacific cables, I'd be leasing up the next 3-6 years of the entire global cable laying fleet. :) Deepak Jain AiNET