Adam McKenna wrote:
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 05:25:35PM -0500, Richard Irving wrote:
It isn't exactly completely RFC compliant, but, it is only a -=Request=-, eh ?
It is in fact required that an MTA fall back to the A record for a domain if an MX record does not exist. See RFC 2821, Section 5, "Address Resolution and Mail Handling".
Agreed, but nothing -requires- an MTA Agent have an MX record, in the first place.... it is just a best CBP. Not having one means you don't comply with ALL the RFC, but you are still RFC compliant. Not the same thing, FWIW.
Obviously some admins I have encountered are starting to host mailservers for sub-domains and domains without MX entries on their DNS zone records. Relying on the A record alone.
Lemmings make a mad dash towards a cliff, every so often, en masse....
This is a fallacy perpetrated by Disney.
No, that they are committing suicide is a fallacy. That they jump up and begin migrating to lower population density regions is fact... and they "just happen" to suicide in the process. But, heck, ignore this one citation, and reference recent notions that war is possibly "programmed into our gene's".... similar concept. Similar irrational mass behavior. Remember American Prohibition ? (aka: 21'st Amendment) rode in on the idea that Absinth was "Evil Incarnate", and yes, "the young were being lead to Hell itself....Damned!" They were drinking Absinth, listening to no less than the Devil's -=Own=- Music! Imagine that, kids listening to Devil Music! (Ozzie, where are you ? "War Pigs" comes to mind...) Yes, Kids listening to "Devil Music" ! A cry not unheard among the generations, and perhaps one you have even heard yourself..... Of course, helping to put it into context of those times, as opposed to your (probably) more recent context: Do you -=still=- concur that JAZZ is the Devil's music ? So, it was irrational behavior of the Masses, eh ? * shrug * Like I said, Lemmings ever so often jump up, and make a mad dash......
However, I feel that perhaps this discussion does NOT belong on NANOG..... head to Nanog off topic, if you would like to continue the discussion.... ;)