In message <>, Valdis.Kletni writes: Actually, it was Morris, not me, who first pointed it out.
Data point: When did Steve Bellovin point out the issues with non-random TCP ISNs? When did Mitnick use an exploit for this against Shimomura?
And now ask yourself - when did we *first* start seeing SYN flood attacks (whi ch were *originally* used to shut the flooded machine up while and prevent it from talking while you spoofed its address to some OTHER machine?)
That's not quite correct. While flooding can work, Morris found an implementation bug that made it easier to gag the alleged source. I'd have to spend a while trying to figure out the exact details; roughly, though, you picked a port on which the alleged source was in LISTEN state, created enough half-open connections to fill its queue, and then used that port (in the privileged range) in launching your spoofing attack on the real victim. The SYN+ACK packets would be dropped, rather than eliciting an RST, because they appeared to be SYNs for a service with a full queue. The difference is is that this scheme takes many fewer packets than a SYN flood -- 5, back in 1985 when the attack was published -- and works very reliably, with no statistical dependencies. That bug has long-since been fixed on just about everything out there, but in the mean time we've seen lots more ways to take hosts off the air... --Steve Bellovin,