Adding to what Rich said, it's very easy for advice on this to cross into advice on legal matters. It's also usually very illegal for non-attorneys or non-licensed attorneys to offer advice on legal matters. I recommend finding a lawyer with expertise in this area and who has specific knowledge of your operation. Matt Freitag Network Engineer I Information Technology Michigan Technological University (906) 487-3696 <%28906%29%20487-3696> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Rich Kulawiec <> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 09:37:19AM -0500, David H wrote:
Anyone have pointers/advice on what you came up with for a reasonable definition of events that warrant involving law enforcement, and then what agency/agencies would be contacted?
This question is best answered by an attorney with expertise in this area and with specific knowledge of your operation.