24 Jul
24 Jul
2:42 p.m.
Is there a site that can give me that info?
I must say that I do not think that this is entirely a well posed question. What is an ISP ? Do you have to have an ASN ? Run BGP? Support dial ups ? Have your own address blocks ? I can think of clear ISP's that do not do have an ASN, or run BGP, or... At any rate, there is a list of ASN reachable from us by BGP at /home/httpd/html/MCAST/status/bgp.sum There are 11313 as of this morning. Also, of course, Boardwatch maintains a list of US ISP's. Regards Marshall Eubanks
-- R O E L A N D M J M E Y E R Managing Director Morgan Hill Software Company t:01 925 373 3954 c:01 925 352 3615 f:01 925 373 9781
Marshall Eubanks tme@21rst-century.com