It helps that we have a 2.6GW pumped storage generation facility near Niagara Falls. :)
> I don't know where you live, but I pay around 38 cents/KWh. Depending
> on your rate, that can go up to 53 cents/KWh during peak times.
I live in upstate New York where I pay about 8c/kwh and a fixed $15/mo
connection charge. We have day/night rates available but they're not very
different for retail customers. I get a slight discount due to credits
from remote net metering at a nearby solar farm.
Damn, I'm jealous:
These're averaged...
Rate Schedule 2018 Average Cents/kWh
"R" Residential 31.18
"G" Small Power Use Business 32.58
"J" Medium Power Use Business 27.44
"P" Large Power Use Business 25.17
"DS" Large Power Use Business, Directly Served 24.04
"R" Residential 34.21 40.16 40.14
"G" Small Power Use Business 38.40 47.17 45.09
"J" Medium Power Use Business 33.53 38.98 42.73
"P" Large Power Use Business 30.80 33.05 38.78