Hi, Yes, those are already in place and do a really good job (about 40% from the daily stats). Another 40% get caught by razor, pyzor, our own local spam election database and spamassassin. (less than 1% are viruses) Its the other 20% which is buggin the hell of our clients... (Mostly New spam format and the dynamic spam with generated images) ----- I think its more a responsability problem than a technology one. All our clients sign a U]sage A]cceptable U]se P]olicy. Anybody caught spamming, spam advertising, warezing, illegal downloaded (when BayTSP notify us) get a $500 CDN fine (about $1US) or get disconnected. So we take it seriously (and we applied it at least 15 times last year). Most ARIN ISP's also take it somewhat seriously (legal issues and such)... Except for those big ones, big lawyers thrump reality/truth anytime. In summary for now: The situation is pretty much statu-quo. Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
On 2/10/06, Alain Hebert <ahebert@pubnix.net> wrote:
For APNIC, we also includes all their peers up-to (if possible) to a ARIN one. But we only do that on extreme case of network flooding. (No sense on wasting operator time on spam related incidents)
I agree you have a problem there - but try using something like spamhaus.org's sbl and xbl first. And then a few other well chosen blocklists (not the "block all traffic from a country" variety at all)
You wont get any productive results from blocking apnic space the way you do.
-- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. P.O. Box 175 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 5T7 tel 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net fax 514-990-9443