In addition to the mylar punch tape the machine was usually an octal machine. : Real Men use punched paper tape to store programs and load the boot :block, after toggling :its binary location on the system console register :) The Gods Who Walk :Among Us program in machine :code by toggling it in at the console. : :(I still have some punched paper tape somewhere. I remember feeling :impressed when I graduated to :punched cards. They didn't tend to crack if you had a string :of all bits :set to one.) : :On the other hand, I did tens of thousands of lines of code on IBM :punched cards and I never :once recall a bug caused by a chad, hanging or otherwise. : : Regards : Marshall Eubanks : : Multicast Technologies, Inc. : 10301 Democracy Lane, Suite 201 : Fairfax, Virginia 22030 : Phone : 703-293-9624 Fax : 703-293-9609 : e-mail : : :