Have him do a traceroute from his PC or router to where he is trying to download from. Where is it choking? On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:21 PM, chandrashakher pawar < learn.chandra@gmail.com> wrote:
Configuration ================================ sh run interface FastEthernet1/3/1 Building configuration... Current configuration : 351 bytes ! interface FastEthernet1/3/1 description CUST:xxx bandwidth 100000 ip address no ip redirects no ip directed-broadcast load-interval 30 negotiation auto no cdp enable end ======== No errors on the interface. none of our customer on this router has complait us this issue i have changed this to "negotiation auto" as suggested by one of our member. tommorow customer will test again and reply. round-trip-time is good, no bacbone chocked. Unit will not make bit differnce as: The customer tried troubleshooting the issue after connecting laptop directily to the 100 mbps link. In that case also the result was same.
Regards Chandrashakher Pawar IPNOC Customer & Services Operations Tata communication AS6453 mobil + 91 9225633948 + 91 9324509268 learn.chandra@gmail.com
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Scott Weeks <surfer@mauigateway.com
--- learn.chandra@gmail.com wrote: From: chandrashakher pawar <learn.chandra@gmail.com>
We are level one ISP. one of my customer is connected to fast ethernet. His link speed 100,000 kbps. while downloading any thing from net he downloading speed donot go above 200 kbps. While doing multiple download he get aroung 200 kbps in every window. But when he close all the windows no change in downloading speed is observed. ---------------------------------------------
You would need to add more info for any meaningful troubleshooting to occur. Do you see errors on the interface? Clear the counters and watch for a while.