Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 20:15:01 +0100 (BST) From: Chris Edwards <> Subject: Re: Spammers Skirt IP Authentication Attempts
| SPF verification query gets returns one of three kinds of result: | 1) MISMATCH on point-of-origin vs domain 'authorized' senders. *VERY* | probably spam.
Either spam, or almost any item of forwarded mail :-(
Beg to differ. Forwarded mail almost always shows an 'envelope from' of the _forwarding_ party. Case in point: all email, sent to nanog is 'forwarded' to me, and the other readers of the list. It has an "inside address" (per the 'From:' header) of whomever authored the message. *BUT*, the 'envelope from', in the SMTP transaction is completely different: <> A _successful_ SPF check on '' would, hopefully include ( in the list of 'official outgoing mail sources. Ignoring for the moment the fact that Merit hasn't added SPF records to DNS yet. :) Same thing applies for 'simple' forwarding via sendmails '~/.forward' mechanism. the mail server 'accepts' the mail from the original source, and then 're-sends' to the new destination. That re-send originates as the _forwarding_party_, WITH an 'envelope from' of that forwarding party, even though the internal content ofthe message may show a _different_, and unrelated, "From" address. An SPF check of the _immediate_ sender does *NOT* break forwarded mail. Unless the forwarding process is _totally_ borken, that is. <grin>