ryuu.psg.com:/Users/randy> traceroute wrt-tokyo traceroute to wrt-tokyo.rg.net (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets 1 wrt-hawi.lan ( 1.089 ms 0.838 ms 0.805 ms 2 cpe-72-130-240-1.hawaii.res.rr.com ( 28.964 ms 27.591 ms 27.825 ms 3 tge7-5.klaohias-cer03.hawaii.rr.com ( 40.011 ms 25.291 ms 48.273 ms 4 tge8-1.klaohias-cer02.hawaii.rr.com ( 61.741 ms 62.058 ms 60.293 ms 5 tge0-4-0-2.kmlahi07-ccr01.hawaii.rr.com ( 63.927 ms 74.082 ms 64.340 ms 6 agg31.tustcaft-ccr01.socal.rr.com ( 71.929 ms 64.954 ms 64.037 ms 7 ( 60.455 ms 65.103 ms 63.598 ms 8 ae-5-0.cr0.dca20.tbone.rr.com ( 130.063 ms 133.030 ms 134.285 ms 9 ( 133.206 ms ae-0-0.cr0.dca10.tbone.rr.com ( 130.485 ms ( 132.164 ms 10 ae0.pr1.dca10.tbone.rr.com ( 185.126 ms ae1.pr1.dca10.tbone.rr.com ( 132.416 ms ae0.pr1.dca10.tbone.rr.com ( 132.197 ms 11 ( 153.804 ms 149.394 ms 152.942 ms 12 vb2000d2.rar3.washington-dc.us.xo.net ( 158.140 ms 168.326 ms 168.755 ms 13 te-11-0-0.rar3.sanjose-ca.us.xo.net ( 156.495 ms 160.694 ms 158.592 ms 14 ( 158.936 ms 161.480 ms 149.665 ms 15 ( 142.506 ms 141.179 ms 140.945 ms 16 sjc002bf02.iij.net ( 141.301 ms 143.095 ms sea001bf00.iij.net ( 157.606 ms 17 tky009bf01.iij.net ( 409.387 ms tky008bf00.iij.net ( 325.051 ms tky008bf01.iij.net ( 248.289 ms 18 tky001bb11.iij.net ( 259.764 ms tky001bb10.iij.net ( 243.385 ms tky001bb11.iij.net ( 352.163 ms 19 tky001lip20.iij.net ( 409.185 ms 406.441 ms tky001lip20.iij.net ( 409.536 ms 20 tokyo10-ntteast0.flets.2iij.net ( 257.222 ms 409.180 ms 314.596 ms 21 tokyo10-f03.flets.2iij.net ( 299.887 ms 306.765 ms 307.255 ms 22 ( 409.697 ms 409.540 ms 409.365 ms well, i guess it could have gone through europe after dca to get to their xo peering in san jose. randy