On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 measl@mfn.org wrote:
It's restricing free speech of crackers, you know? Where's your williness to give them "every right to speak"?
I'm honestly not certain, but I _think_ you are making the "argument" that if I have a firewall in place, that I am engaging in the hypocritical act of _censorship based on content_?
Yes, you do. The whole point of firewalls is not to let the specifically defined content in. I can just as well have an argument that an attempt to break into your system is a valid form of expression (and, in fact, that argument was made in courts). The fact, that this kind of message can be in many cases detected and prevented automatically does not change the point that you are restricting free speech (i.e. unlimited exchange of information) to some other parties. Absolute free speech is an oxymoron. And so is claiming that hosting a terrorist website is legal in US or protected by First Amendment. --vadim