On 3/22/21 17:55, Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
Part of my struggle is that I fail to see how it scales to poll multiple sites (or app icon notifications) when there are 10s, 100s, or even more things to check. This is /exactly/ one of the reasons that I *strongly* /prefer/ email, it comes to me and gets filed in the proper folders. Where messages sit waiting to be read with the folder indicating that there are unread messages in it. I then go read them when it's convenient for me to do so. But most importantly, I don't have to go check multiple -> many places. The unread notification / count percolates up to one single location.
It's just a group of people on a "secure" messaging app. Props if the app has a desktop version so you don't break your knuckles typing on your i-thing. Mark.