On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 02:53:22 GMT, Michael Sokolov said:
Factoid: we outnumber the pigs by 1000 to 1. Even if only 1% of us were to go out and shoot a pig, we would still outnumber them 10 to 1! We *CAN* win -- wake up, people! Yes, but shooting down an RFC1925-compliant porker may require larger caliber
If you mean shooting people in order to protest a law, that proposition is obscene, and attempting to dehumanize flesh and blood, while hiding the nature of the act through name-calling does not make the act more civilized, sane, or less deserving of rebuke. If "pig" is defined as person(s) conducting network abuse, violating the AUP of services they use in manners, such as sending spam, transmitting illegally obtained documents, or posting large numbers of off-topic political rants to a technical discussion listserv contrary to its AUP. And by "shoot" you mean turning off their network service, being used in the abusive manner contrary to the terms agreed or as required by the law. Then this is done every day, and I would applaud those such as Amazon who have done a service to the network community by doing so. -- -JH