Any additional effort put in by an attacker will increase the chance of an attack being detected before it is successful. COnsider the following two scenerios.
Scenerio 1 is a webserver that makes no effort to obfuscate:
- Attacker does HEAD request on /, which is a legitmate request, and sees the webserver vendor name
- Attacker does a quick search, and finds there is a vulnerabilty in webserver
- Attacker exploits vulnerability
Now, consider scenerio 2, where the server is configured to hide the webserver vendor and has an IDS/IPS system in place
- Attacker does HEAD request on /, which is a legitmate request, but there is no usable information in the respone.
- Attacker does a probe on the webserver to try a number of attacks, which generate a number of 403, 404, 500 etc errors in the webserver logs
- IDS/IPS sees the sudden spike in errors from a single IP address and blocks the source IP
The act of obfuscation made it possible for the IDS/IPS to detect the probe, preventing the attack. WIll this block every attack? Probably not, but it increases the effectiveness of the security by forcing the attacker to take additional (detectable) actions
when trying to break in.
The lock on your front door can be picked by anyone with a $10 lockpick set in under 5 minutes, does that mean you shouldn't bother locking your doors?