On Feb 28, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Steve Meuse wrote:
It's about revenue recovery. If you provide your own free wifi, they are losing potential business. It's usually part of the negotiation with the Hotel.
Yes, some Hotels will indeed want "revenue recovery" for this - they will typically start at the rental rate per person x the number of attendees x number of days, which could be $ 10K USD per day or more for a 1000 person meeting. You may or may not be able to negotiate it down; I think that in the IETF experience the "negotiate it down" factor has ranged from not at all to 100%. But, since it is part of the contract, they can certainly enforce whatever is agreed to. Regards Marshall
On 2/28/07, Carl Karsten <carl@personnelware.com> wrote: me again.
So wifi at pycon 07 was 'better than 06' witch I hear was a complete disaster. More on 07's coming soon.
Now we are talking about wifi at pycon 08, which will be at a different hotel (Crown Plaza in Rosemont, IL) and the question came up: Can the hotel actively prevent us from using our own wifi?
_maney: although - wasn't the hotel stuck on "our wifi or no wifi" at last report?
CarlFK: only the FCC can restrict radio
tpollari: it's their network and their power the FCC has no legal right to that. and no, you show me where they do. I'm not wasting my day with that tripe -- the caselaw you're likely thinking of has to do with an airline and an airport and the airline's lounge, in which case they're paying for the power and paying for their bandwidth from a provider that's not the airport. We're not.
I know that there are all sorts of factors, and just cuz the FCC says boo isn't the end of the story, but i don't even know what the FCC's position on this is. google gave me many hits, and after looking at 10 or so I decided to look elsewhere.
Carl K