28 Dec
28 Dec
2:46 p.m.
IPv6 CEF appears to be functioning normally for prefixes longer than 64-bit on my 720(s).
I'm not seeing evidence of unexpected punting.
The CPU utilization of the software process that would handle IPv6 being punted to software, "IPv6 Input", is at a steady %0.00 average (with spikes up to 0.02%).
So there would seem to be at least one major platform that is OK.
And there are other platforms, e.g. Juniper M/MX/T, where there is no concept of "punt a packet to software to perform a forwarding decision". The packet is either forwarded in hardware, or dropped. IPv6 prefixes > 64 bit are handled like any other IPv6 prefixes, i.e. they are forwarded in hardware. Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no