On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Scott Helms <khelms@zcorum.com> wrote:
I don't know many schools that are open at midnight to accept thumb drives.
I think he was trying to point out that most school libraries, and their computer labs, open before classes start. Ice never heard of a school deadline that was actually in the middle of the night, so if you're working on a paper at night it's because it's due the next day.
Well kids will be kids.
Very true :)
Yep. The assumption that because you are sending from home it is not time critical is absolutely bogus. Upstream speeds really are just as important as downstream speeds. It just that it is not normally needed as much of the time.
This assertion is counter to the choices that consumers are making. Forget about the access technology and it's symmetry or asymmetry for a moment and consider the growth of WiFi in the home, which is highly asymmetrical because clients have much lower power output and most often 0 dB gain antennas at 2.4 and 5.8. The point is that a great percentage of the traffic we see is from asymmetric sources even on symmetrical broadband connections. The other thing to consider is that LTE is asymmetrical and for the same reasons as WiFi.
For consumers to care about symmetrical upload speeds as much as you're saying why have they been choosing to use technologies that don't deliver that in WiFi and LTE? In the WiFi case they're taking a symmetrical connection to their home and making it asymmetrical. I can make a home WiFi network operate more symmetrically by putting in multiple APs but very few consumers take that step.
I'm not done collecting all of our data yet, but just looking at what we have right now (~17,000 APs) over half of the clients connected have an upload rate of 5mbps or less. A just over 20% have an average upload rate of 1mbps.
BTW, the reason we're working on the WiFi data is that we think this is a huge problem, because consumers don't separate the performance of the in home WiFi from their overall broadband experience and we need to dramatically improve the in home WiFi experience to increase customer satisfaction.
+10! If you would like to talk to other researchers poking deeply into these fronts, also equipped with large data sets and some rapidly evolving analysis tools, please talk to me offlist.
Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org
-- Dave Täht Let's make wifi fast, less jittery and reliable again! https://plus.google.com/u/0/107942175615993706558/posts/TVX3o84jjmb