| I don't know | if operators are finding the IETF less useful The IETF has at least since CIDRD not really been on the best of terms with operators. It is very clear that there is essentially no conversation happening between operators and the IPNGWG, for example, and there are other working groups which are nearly as out-of-touch with operators' realities. Moreover, the IESG and the IAB have generally also been bereft of much operator input. Volunteering for NOMCOMM and making sure operators have a chance to influence the selection of the IESG and IAB may help bring at least those bodies half a clue, and ideally help make the IETF a little more relevant to those of us actually building the Internet that those bodies seek to "standardize" and "architect". The other alternative is to maintain a running P.R. war between the I* organization which is simply wrong, and those of us who have to explain to our investors why they are wrong. That takes work too. Sean.