On 12/20/2011 1:52 PM, Dave Pooser wrote:
My question for the group is, how? I can and do monitor my own router, and I can see that I'm receiving full routes from both ISPs. I am capable of
you might want to start with a good monitoring software like Argus - http://argus.tcp4me.com/ Group "Upstream Connections" { Group "T3 to whomever" { Service Ping { hostname: far-side.example.net } Service UDP/SNMP { eqvalue: 6 label: BGP uname: BGP oid: . hostname: your-router.example.net } } Group "T3 to whomever2" { Service Ping { hostname: far-other-side.example.net } Service UDP/SNMP { eqvalue: 6 label: BGP uname: BGP oid: . hostname: your-router.example.net } } } something like that will alert you when BGP is anything other than happy. your oid may vary. use snmpwalk to help. then you could also add: Service Prog { frequency: 1800 command: chkbgp.pl -a <ASN> -n <network> -r <route_server> nexepect: evil } *http://jeremy.kister.net/code/perl/chkbgp.pl -- Jeremy Kister http://jeremy.kister.net./