Hola, All. After scanning through some spew from one of our nameservers, I noticed a _lot_ of these: -- May 7 17:05:06 ns1 named[4332]: bad referral (net !< wow.net) May 7 17:05:06 ns1 last message repeated 8 times May 7 17:05:06 ns1 named[4332]: unrelated additional info 'a.root-servers.net' type A from [].53 May 7 17:05:06 ns1 named[4332]: unrelated additional info 'b.root-servers.net' type A from [].53 [ ...[b-h]... ] -- So, I decide to do a whois... -- $ whois wow.net [No name] (ID?) ³ D The InterNIC Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Information [ ... ] -- Odd. I decide to see if the database is working at all. -- $ whois eden.net Sorry, you shouldn't see this record. -- Shouldn't I? Hrm.. -- $ whois internic.net 260 Franklin Street Boston, MA 02110 US (ID?) -- Good to know they are on the ball in this time of potential competition. Cheers, -Matt
participants (1)
Matt Bush