ARIN PPC Agenda for NANOG 60 Tuesday AM session Now Available

NANOG 60 Attendees - Tomorrow morning there will be a Public Policy Consultation regarding a sizable number of potential changes to address policy at ARIN. Please find attached the list of policy proposals to be discussed; the session begins at 9:30 AM and all attendees are welcome! Text of each proposed changes is available at: There is also a PPC Discussion Guide available with all of the draft policies, the ARIN policy development process, and the current policy manual available here: Thank you, and look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN Begin forwarded message: From: ARIN <<>> Subject: [arin-announce] ARIN PPC Agenda for NANOG 60 Now Available Date: February 4, 2014 at 2:08:08 PM EST To:<> Don't forget to mark your calendar and join us for ARIN's Public Policy Consultation (PPC), which will be held during NANOG 60 in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, 11 February 2014, from 9:30 - 1:00 PM. The policy consultation is part of ARIN's Policy Development Process, and it is an open public discussion of Internet number resource policy. Registered NANOG 60 attendees do not need to register to participate in this session. ARIN welcomes members of the NANOG community who will not be in Atlanta to register as remote participants. If you plan to attend and are not registered for NANOG you must register for the ARIN PPC at the There is no registration fee for this half-day ARIN session, and it does not provide you entry to any other NANOG programming or social events. Current policy proposals up for discussion at this meeting are: Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2013-8: Subsequent Allocations for New Multiple Discrete Networks Draft Policy ARIN-2013-7: NRPM 4 (IPv4) Policy Cleanup Draft Policy ARIN-2014-1: Out of Region Use Draft Policy ARIN-2014-2: Improving 8.4 Anti-Flip Language Draft Policy ARIN-2014-3: Remove 8.2 and 8.3 and 8.4 Minimum IPv4 Block Size Requirements Draft Policy ARIN-2014-4: Remove 4.2.5 Web Hosting Policy Draft Policy ARIN-2014-5: Remove 7.2 Lame Delegations Draft Policy ARIN-2014-6: Remove 7.1 (Maintaining IN-ADDRs) Draft Policy ARIN-2014-7: Section 4.4 Micro Allocation Conservation Update Proposals (193, 199 and 201) That first item is a Recommended Draft Policy; the ARIN Advisory Council recommends it as fair and technically sound policy. The Drafts and Proposals are works in progress. Text available at: or in the PPC Discussion Guide: ARIN will offer a webcast, live transcript, and Jabber chat options for remote participants. Registered remote participants can submit comments and questions to the discussions during the meeting. Register to attend in person or remotely today! Regards, Communications and Member Services American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) _______________________________________________ ARIN-Announce You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the ARIN Announce Mailing List ( Unsubscribe or manage your mailing list subscription at: Please contact if you experience any issues.

All NANOG Attendees are welcome! /John Begin forwarded message: From: John Curran <<>> Subject: ARIN PPC Agenda for NANOG 60 Tuesday AM session Now Available Date: February 10, 2014 at 9:48:48 AM EST To: NANOG list <<>> NANOG 60 Attendees - Tomorrow morning there will be a Public Policy Consultation regarding a sizable number of potential changes to address policy at ARIN. Please find attached the list of policy proposals to be discussed; the session begins at 9:30 AM and all attendees are welcome! Text of each proposed changes is available at: There is also a PPC Discussion Guide available with all of the draft policies, the ARIN policy development process, and the current policy manual available here: Thank you, and look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN Begin forwarded message: From: ARIN <<><>> Subject: [arin-announce] ARIN PPC Agenda for NANOG 60 Now Available Date: February 4, 2014 at 2:08:08 PM EST To:<><> Don't forget to mark your calendar and join us for ARIN's Public Policy Consultation (PPC), which will be held during NANOG 60 in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, 11 February 2014, from 9:30 - 1:00 PM. The policy consultation is part of ARIN's Policy Development Process, and it is an open public discussion of Internet number resource policy. Registered NANOG 60 attendees do not need to register to participate in this session. ARIN welcomes members of the NANOG community who will not be in Atlanta to register as remote participants. If you plan to attend and are not registered for NANOG you must register for the ARIN PPC at the There is no registration fee for this half-day ARIN session, and it does not provide you entry to any other NANOG programming or social events. Current policy proposals up for discussion at this meeting are: Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2013-8: Subsequent Allocations for New Multiple Discrete Networks Draft Policy ARIN-2013-7: NRPM 4 (IPv4) Policy Cleanup Draft Policy ARIN-2014-1: Out of Region Use Draft Policy ARIN-2014-2: Improving 8.4 Anti-Flip Language Draft Policy ARIN-2014-3: Remove 8.2 and 8.3 and 8.4 Minimum IPv4 Block Size Requirements Draft Policy ARIN-2014-4: Remove 4.2.5 Web Hosting Policy Draft Policy ARIN-2014-5: Remove 7.2 Lame Delegations Draft Policy ARIN-2014-6: Remove 7.1 (Maintaining IN-ADDRs) Draft Policy ARIN-2014-7: Section 4.4 Micro Allocation Conservation Update Proposals (193, 199 and 201) That first item is a Recommended Draft Policy; the ARIN Advisory Council recommends it as fair and technically sound policy. The Drafts and Proposals are works in progress. Text available at: or in the PPC Discussion Guide: ARIN will offer a webcast, live transcript, and Jabber chat options for remote participants. Registered remote participants can submit comments and questions to the discussions during the meeting. Register to attend in person or remotely today! Regards, Communications and Member Services American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) _______________________________________________ ARIN-Announce You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the ARIN Announce Mailing List ( Unsubscribe or manage your mailing list subscription at: Please contact if you experience any issues.
participants (1)
John Curran