Hi Bogdan, If you are on Cisco, you can accomplish this using the attribute-map argument to the as-set statement. On Juniper, this is fairly easy to accomplish with routing policy (learning RegEx will make your life easier). HTHs. Stefan (sorry for the top post, I'm on my mobile...) ----- Reply message ----- From: "Bogdan" <shoshon@shoshon.ro> Date: Sat, Apr 2, 2011 7:32 am Subject: as-set members To: <nanog@nanog.org> hello i have an as-set that has some members, other as-sets. can i exclude some members from my as-set members? as-set: me members: as-set-1, as-set-2, as-set-3 as-set-3 has some members that i want to exlude; let's say as-set-xxx, is a member of as-set as-set-3 is there something like members: as-set-1, as-set-2, as-set-3 and not as-set-xxx ? thanks
participants (1)
Stefan Fouant