At 09:01 PM 11/2/98 -0600, Joe Shaw wrote:
I think moderating the group might not be such a bad idea. The only problem with this would be getting someone who had enough time to actually
The constrained-posting approach might solve the dis-satisfactions that triggered this thread. However, let me suggest two, other approaches to consider. 1. This was pioneered by Harald Alvestrand, for the IETF main list, and seems to be quite successful. The premise to his approach is to run an unofficial, subsidiary list, off of the main, official one. On its face, it is just a distributor of the main list. Why subscribe to it? Well, the value-add is that he has filters in place, according to whatever rules he feels appropriate. What he feels appropriate, for the IETF list, is to filter out the common sources of "noise". Those subscribed to it seem satisfied with the results. The nice things about this approach are that 1) it doesn't create the massive burden that moderating does, and 2) it maintain utterly open participation for the official list and, therefore, doesn't run afoul of the usual expectations and requirements for open access to the official list. 2. This was pioneered by the "ORSC" folks who are active with the IANA re-working. I'm not happy with they way they are running their list, but the idea they are using strikes me as quite good: Create rules for acceptable conduct on the list. Create an arbitration panel to pass judgement when someone is claimed to violate those rules. When someone exceeds the limits in the rules, such as 3 rules violations, they can be banned from the list. d/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dave Crocker Tel: +60 (19) 3299 445 <mailto:dcrocker@brandenburg.com> Post Office Box 296, U.P.M. Serdang, Selangor 43400 MALAYSIA Brandenburg Consulting <http://www.brandenburg.com> Tel: +1 (408) 246 8253 Fax: +1(408)273 6464 675 Spruce Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA
participants (1)
Dave Crocker