[NANOG-announce] Announcing the October 2012 NANOG Elections

*Hello NANOGers! This message is to encourage you, as a participant of this community, to become NANOG members and to consider standing for a leadership position at our upcoming October elections. The call for Board members nominations will be from August 20 to October 1 and for committee members from Sept 17 to October 23. We wanted to provide you now with the election process preview. It’s posted at http://www.nanog.org/governance/elections/2012elections/ and we’ll make announcements at every step. Why should you become a NANOG member? One Member = One Voter = One Eligible Candidate Candidate and Voter eligibility are opened to every ‘member in good standing’. You may never have attended a conference but as an active reader and poster on our mailing lists, you contribute to the knowledge of this community. Becoming a NANOG member gives you the right to stand for a position and to vote in October. You can join at http://www.nanog.org/membership_main.html. What is expected of Committee Candidates? How many vacant positions? In Vancouver, we announced that the current leadership was documenting the roles, responsibilities and expectations placed on each position. We trust you will find the following useful. Candidates will be appointed Committee members by the newly elected Board next October. * 8 vacancies: Program Committee Member http://www.nanog.org/governance/PC_Responsibilities.pdf * 2 vacancies: Communications Committee Member http://www.nanog.org/governance/CC_Responsibilities.pdf * 2 vacancies: Development Committee Member http://www.nanog.org/governance/DC_Responsibilities.pdf <https://www.nanog.org/governance/elections/2012elections/2012_Declaration_of_Candidacy.docx> What is expected of a Board Candidate? How many vacant positions? Read the Board Member Responsibilities and NANOG by-laws for a complete understanding of the expectations placed on Board Members. Board Member http://www.nanog.org/governance/BOD_Responsibilities.pdf NANOG By-laws http://www.nanog.org/governance/documents/By-Laws_20110104.pdf To ensure continuity on the Board, three seats out of six become open each year due to the expiration of 2-year terms. The Board members whose terms are expiring in October are: * Patrick Gilmore * Daniel Golding * Michael K. Smith Patrick has served two 2-year terms and cannot be considered for re-electionuntil October 2013 (one year leave). Daniel is completing the term vacated in June 2012 and he can stand for re-election. Michael is completing the term vacated in August 2011 and he can stand for re-election. How do you Nominate? You can self-nominate. You care about NANOG’s governance and want to take a turn at volunteering your time and expertise to help make it better. 1. Make sure you are a NANOG member in good standing 2. Submit your Declaration of Candidacy to elections@nanog.org. You can nominate others. 1. Send their contact information to elections@nanog.org 2. If they accept the nomination, they will be asked to become a NANOG member in good standing 3. They will have to submit their Declaration of Candidacy to elections@nanog.org. As NANOG continues to evolve, our Board and our Committees will continue to play an increasingly important role in our success. We thank you in advance for becoming NANOG members and taking an active part in our governance. Best regards, Sylvie, on behalf of the NANOG Board of Directors * -- Sylvie LaPerriere NANOG Board Chair - www.nanog.org _______________________________________________ NANOG-announce mailing list NANOG-announce@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce
participants (1)
Sylvie LaPerriere