Please contact offlist. Looking for dark fiber in Amsterdam. Eurofiber has traditionally dominated this market. Who else competes in this market? Roderick Beck VP of Business Development United Cable Company www.unitedcablecompany.com<http://www.unitedcablecompany.com> New York City & Budapest rod.beck@unitedcablecompany.com Budapest: 36-70-605-5144 NJ: 908-452-8183 [1467221477350_image005.png]

Hi, Back in the day when I still lived there, Level 3 was also known to have fiber in the area. Depending on your needs, Equinix offers dark fiber between (some of) their locations, and Relined(.eu) has a nationwide fiber network. You can also check out irc, irc.nlnog.net, #nlnog, or subscribe to the nlnog mailing list, [ http://mailman.nlnog.net/ | http://mailman.nlnog.net/ ] Thanks, Sabri ----- On Feb 4, 2021, at 5:04 PM, Rod Beck <rod.beck@unitedcablecompany.com> wrote:
Please contact offlist.
Looking for dark fiber in Amsterdam. Eurofiber has traditionally dominated this market. Who else competes in this market?
Roderick Beck VP of Business Development
United Cable Company
[ http://www.unitedcablecompany.com/ | www.unitedcablecompany.com ]
New York City & Budapest
Budapest: 36-70-605-5144
NJ: 908-452-8183
participants (2)
Rod Beck
Sabri Berisha