Are any mainstream companies signed on with this or is it just chickenboners? ------- Forwarded Message +++++ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE +++++ RNDNETWORK ANNOUNCES NEW TLD REGISTRY AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Startup developing new, robust domain registry and registration management system and will operate registries for new gTLDs. +++++ July 13, 2000/San Francisco, CA// Internet and research and development community startup RNDNetwork.com Incorporated today announced the development of a comprehensive DNS registry/registration management system for use with new generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs). The new system, developed in conjunction with Strategy Partner LLC (http://www.strategypartner.com ), VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net), anycastNET Incorporated (http://www.anycast.net), @quasar Internet Solutions, Inc. (http://www.quasar.net) and several other Open Root Server Confederation (ORSC) and Top Level Domain Association (TLDA) members, will provide for the two basic functions necessary for the operation of new gTLDs for the Internet. Top Level Domains (TLDs) are the right-most portion of identifiers such as "anycast.NET" and "rndnetwork.COM". Generic Top Level Domains are those available for registration globally, as opposed to those reserved for specific groups and organizations, such as .GOV, which is reserved for the U.S. Government and its agencies. Anyone who has recently tried to register a domain name recently has found that there are very few left that are not cumbersome-the most desirable names are long gone. There is therefore a pent-up demand for intelligible domain names on the Internet, and this demand is far greater than the number of names available in the current gTLDs. "There has been significant work over the last few years to establish operating alternative root systems for new gTLDs", said Ged Gasperas, CEO of RNDNetwork.com Incorporated. "Our intention is to build on the work and intellectual property of our partners, while offering them a system to operate and manage their gTLDs" Gasperas also said RNDNetwork.com intends to operate one of the new gTLDs. "We believe there is significant value in creating an Internet community of research and development groups under the ".RND" gTLD. It's a natural for the Internet." Gasperas said the concept came together while discussing the company's business model and how it applies to the Internet. "Several of our board members brought pieces of the concept to the table. Our discussions led us to our partners, some of whom are operating new gTLDs registries and alternative root servers already." Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues, commented on the timeliness of the partnerships. "Groups like the ORSC and TLDA, and others before, have tried to coalesce these efforts with limited success. RNDNetwork has brought the right people together in an open working environment to make it real." VRx Network Services has been operating root zone servers for new gTLDs since 1996. "The problems in the past have been of momentum and need. Both are very much in our favor now." @quasar Internet Solutions president Dena Whitebirch also feels the time has come. "A number of organizations, like ours, have invested a great deal of time and effort to implement DNS registry models. The RNDNetwork effort is a welcome approach that will allow our collective efforts to move forward in a cohesive and sensible fashion." @quasar Internet Solutions, Inc. operates the registry for the .MART gTLD. RNDNetwork.com has also announced their intention to participate in the process for acknowledgment of new gTLDs as set forth by the recently formed Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN, http://www.icann.org). ICANN is attempting to define various criteria and methods for the incorporation of new gTLDs into the Internet's principal root system. "Our business model is designed to succeed. We look forward to working with ICANN and the Internet community to make this a winning proposition for all" said Gasperas. ICANN meets this week in Yokohama, Japan to discuss several key Internet issues, including the potential for new gTLDs. Any system that will support new gTLDs must be functional, sound, and capable of handling a potentially large influx of registrations. Estimates vary, but registration rates in excess of 100,000 per month for some gTLDs is possible. "There are many facets to designing a system of this nature", said Anatoliy Prokhorov, president of Strategy Partner LLC. "Scalability and fault tolerance are absolutely essential. The current DNS root system works. Our model must meet or exceed the current model." Strategy Partner has recently designed several high volume transaction systems, including that for OfficeExpress (http://www.officexpress.com). "We are applying our expertise in high-end transaction systems to the design for the system. This is an exceptional opportunity." RNDNetwork expects the system to be in testing over the next six weeks, with an initial operational model in late August or early September. +++++ Contact Information: RNDNetwork.com Incorporated http://www.rndnetwork.com Ged Gasperas, CEO 1071 Dolores Street San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 285-9787 fax (415) 285-9788 mailto:gasperas@rndnetwork.com All other organizations can be reached through email from their respective websites. +++++ ------- End of Forwarded Message

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Paul A Vixie said:
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues, commented on the timeliness of the partnerships. "Groups like
Oh? -- A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz@nrk.com & no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433 is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 07:13:37PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
The new system, developed in conjunction ... VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net),
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues
so, where are Joe Baptista and Bob Allisat in this endeavor? would be strange for sexton to leave them out. -- [ Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 ] [ Reptilian Research -- Longer Life through Colder Blood ] [ Don't be fooled by cheap Finnish imitations; BSD is the One True Code. ]

Jim Mercer wrote:
On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 07:13:37PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
The new system, developed in conjunction ... VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net),
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues
so, where are Joe Baptista and Bob Allisat in this endeavor?
would be strange for sexton to leave them out.
Joe Baptista will be spamming all of the SLD owners with notices about the new system, and Bob Allisat will post to comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains with his NNTP client set to wrap at 40 characters. It'll happen. I guarantee it. -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor Pictures of two of my 'children': http://www.WrinkleDogs.com About Spamfighters: "We're not net nazis. We're dot communists." - W. Arnold

Joe is busy running the GOD TLD. I think that he's up over 10,000 registrants.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Jim Mercer Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 8:12 PM To: Paul A Vixie Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: piracy on parade
On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 07:13:37PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
The new system, developed in conjunction ... VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net),
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues
so, where are Joe Baptista and Bob Allisat in this endeavor?
would be strange for sexton to leave them out.
-- [ Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 ] [ Reptilian Research -- Longer Life through Colder Blood ] [ Don't be fooled by cheap Finnish imitations; BSD is the One True Code. ]

BTW if you really want to get hold of Joe, find him at http://www.dot.god If you need a resolving server to get there, use NS1.MHSC.NET.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Jim Mercer Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 8:12 PM To: Paul A Vixie Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: piracy on parade
On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 07:13:37PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
The new system, developed in conjunction ... VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net),
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues
so, where are Joe Baptista and Bob Allisat in this endeavor?
would be strange for sexton to leave them out.
-- [ Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 ] [ Reptilian Research -- Longer Life through Colder Blood ] [ Don't be fooled by cheap Finnish imitations; BSD is the One True Code. ]

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Jim Mercer wrote:
On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 07:13:37PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
The new system, developed in conjunction ... VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net),
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues
so, where are Joe Baptista and Bob Allisat in this endeavor?
would be strange for sexton to leave them out.
Careful Jim - I see a roach crawling up your leg - and we all remember what happened last time ;-) regards Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697

On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 09:06:03AM -0400, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Jim Mercer wrote:
On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 07:13:37PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
The new system, developed in conjunction ... VRx Network Systems (http://www.vrx.net),
Richard Sexton of VRx Network Services, an industry acknowledged expert on DNS issues
so, where are Joe Baptista and Bob Allisat in this endeavor?
would be strange for sexton to leave them out.
Careful Jim - I see a roach crawling up your leg - and we all remember what happened last time ;-)
well, joe, i'm now self-employed, and as such, you can't threaten my job by launching frivolous and unfounded lawsuits against my employer. and since i now live in an actual residential apartment, you can't call the building inspectors to try to have me thrown out. i've grown up alot since those days. i hope you have too. -- [ Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 ] [ Reptilian Research -- Longer Life through Colder Blood ] [ Don't be fooled by cheap Finnish imitations; BSD is the One True Code. ]

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Jim Mercer wrote:
well, joe, i'm now self-employed, and as such, you can't threaten my job by launching frivolous and unfounded lawsuits against my employer.
and since i now live in an actual residential apartment, you can't call the building inspectors to try to have me thrown out.
No Jim - stop spreading evil rumours. You know I've always loved you and would never do hurtful things to you. Your confusing me with our man Tom Evans. Even the roaches - I had nothing to do with that - although I found the fall out entertaining. And just to show I love you - who was it who found that dirty picture of you - remember - that was me. I kept that photo in a safe place and from time to time I occassionally take it out and admire that hot ass of yours. Now how in hell can anyone who likes your ass throw you away - not me.
i've grown up alot since those days.
I'm glad to read that Jim - I assume that means you won't be throwing chaulk at me anymore - how refreshing ;-)
i hope you have too.
Jim I was born grown up. But I can assure you your in my good books - always will be. And anytime you wanna get together and flash that hot ass of yours at me - i'm here. love & kisses Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697

On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 09:35:20AM -0400, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
[dumb content omitted]
http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster
If you spent less time posting this drivel to NANOG, and more time developing a TLD that's actually resolvable Internet-wide, the Internet would be a far better place. -a

The TLD is developed. Obviously you are missing the clue that DOC/NTIA are the only ones that can add the glue that enters it into the legacy root-zone. JB is powerless to do so. This discussion has gone on in Yokohama this week. Net result, yet more delays in opening up the root-zone to additional TLDs. Even if the ICANN said "yes", there is still the WIPO enthralled gov://us/doc/ntia to convince. Ergo, the growth of alternative root-zones.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Adam Rothschild Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 7:58 AM To: !Dr. Joe Baptista Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: piracy on parade
On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 09:35:20AM -0400, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
[dumb content omitted]
http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster
If you spent less time posting this drivel to NANOG, and more time developing a TLD that's actually resolvable Internet-wide, the Internet would be a far better place.

On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Adam Rothschild wrote:
If you spent less time posting this drivel to NANOG, and more time developing a TLD that's actually resolvable Internet-wide, the Internet would be a far better place.
I actually spent no time at all on the drivel. I always feel that if someone mentions my name I should at least reply, which is what I have done in this case. Drivel I feel always desearves drivel back. Now if Nanog can only get back on track - i've missed the regular boring discussion about outages and routers. If people here feel they need to discuss me - may I suggest alt.fan.joe-baptista ;-) regards Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697

Seemingly innocent headers can sometimes be amusing. On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote: X-Authentication-Warning: proxy.pccf.net: baptista owned process doing -bs Jim --

Dimitri: I'm 100% behind your proposal. I also found Mr. Mercer's mention of my name with no better intention then to slander and libel it to be inappropriate - if not somewhat entertaining. So certainly a moderator would of spanked him for this inapropriate behaviour of slandering famous internet personalities. But let's not go overboard here. I have had a significant impact on Mr. Mercer's history and as such it's perfectly understandable that he would from time to time reference my name. So - I expect a moderator would temper the spanking with some tender understanding ;-) cheers Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697 On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Dmitri Krioukov wrote:
wouldn't it to be a right time to get list moderated?
thanks, -- dima.
participants (9)
!Dr. Joe Baptista
Adam Rothschild
David Lesher
Dmitri Krioukov
Jim Dawson
Jim Mercer
Paul A Vixie
Roeland M.J. Meyer
Steve Sobol